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Dec. 27, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass. – December 27, 2016 – 5:15 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Regular Meeting Minutes  

Chairman Stan Moss with Jon Fudeman present; Edith Morgan absent, and TA Nina Nazarian present.

5:15 PM   Stan opened meeting in the Town Hall Annex. Janet Peirce, executive director from CMRPC, was in to explain the new Hazard Mitigation Plan that her commission had finished along with Princeton’s police and fire personnel--Fire Chief John Bennett also in. The process was grant-funded and took almost two years. It addressed the 13 towns in Central Mass. that still were without a plan. She noted that a database will reflect what the particular needs are within each community, such as generators, shelter beds, evacuation protocols etc.
Stan described his concern on creosote-laden ties along the P&W Railroad. Chief Bennett agreed that the P&W needs to take responsibility removing these ties that are dumped along rail banks, and potentially sparked by brakes on the rail cars. Although leaving the ties is illegal, rail companies don’t necessarily cooperate. He mentioned that Westminster Fire Dept. enlisted legal help and the EPA got involved and the ties there were eventually cleaned up. Ms. Peirce agreed to try to assist. It was discussed that a town could get the EPA involved and staff should collect evidence about fire starts, with cameras and GPS devices.
5:35 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor “A Resolution Adopting the Hazard Mitigation Plan” and to sign the Certificate of Adoption.
David Krashes came in to share his ideas for town buildings. He recommends tearing down Princeton Center since it’s a money-sink; replacing it with a modern office building roughly duplicating the square footage currently used for offices, and move the uses currently in P.C. to a rehabbed Bagg Hall. Selectmen noted that all concepts are still under consideration.
5:45 PM  Nina explained the requirements in the new public records law that goes into effect Jan. 1. A “super records access officer (RAO)” needs to be named. She suggested the town clerk. Selectmen voted all in favor to appoint the Town Clerk as the Super Records Access Officer, and authorize specifically Nina N., town administrator, and town clerk, with approval from selectmen, to jointly appoint other RAOs and adopt procedures as needed.
Selectmen reviewed annual license renewals, mainly ABCC. These included Harrington Farm Country Inn – innkeepers, all alcohol beverage on premise license; W.A.B. Corporation d/b/a Sonoma – common victualler, all alcohol on premise license; Mountain Barn, Inc. – common victualler, all alcohol on premise license; Norco Sportsman’s Club, Inc. - common victualler, all alcohol on premise license; Nimrod League of Holden – club, all alcohol on premise license; Khodal Corporation d/b/a Kwik Stop Convenience Store – retail, all alcohol off premise license; DeLiddo, LLC d/b/a The Thirsty Lab – retail, all alcohol off premise license; Cork & Winsor LLC d/b/a Mountainside Market – retail, all alcohol off premise license. They voted all in favor to approve all license renewals for calendar year 2017 as presented. They then considered a Class II used vehicle license for Chris Goodnow Auto Sales LLC and voted all in favor to grant a Class II Use Vehicle License to Chris Goodnow Auto Sales LLC for Calendar Year 2017.
6 PM  Selectmen considered the process which Nina proposed for Board/Committee vacancies – The following was recommended and voted all in favor by the Board:
1. TA receives notice of interest, and if not provided, TA asks for qualifications from candidates for a board/committee/commission position.
2. TA to forward notice of interest to BoS and the chair of the board/committee/commission in question. The board/committee/commission shall have up to 3 weeks to meet with the candidate, and take action on a recommendation to the BoS. Board/committee/commission may request additional time to review, if needed.
3. The chair forwards any recommendation(s) to the TA, who presents the information to the BoS at a meeting posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law.
4. BoS takes action.
5. Notice is provided to the Town Clerk of any appointments, and Town Clerk mails notice to appointee, copying the chair of the board/committee/commission.
6:05 PM Selectmen received a report from Jon Fudeman regarding the recently completed OPEB actuarial. They shared a notice from the Mass Historic Commission regarding grants.
Board voted all in favor to approve minutes from Dec. 12 & 19 and approve but not release exec. session minutes from Dec. 12.
6:10 PM  Voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assist.

BOS Referenced Documents:  Princeton’s Hazard Mitigation Plan and A Resolution Adopting the Hazard Mitigation Plan; Summary of the new Public Records Law; David Krashes list of ideas for town buildings.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department